Monday, January 12, 2009

Singing in the t(rain)

I'm singing in the rain , what a wonderful feeling , I'm happy to say...
I think the lyrics go like that? Anyway I got on the train the other day and three Maori/ Samoan Islander looking boys who could be seen as intimidating in some contexts where sitting in a double seat singing out loud. They had a I-pod with speakers and thankfully they had ignored the sign saying keep music down. ("don't do, this don't do... that cant you read the sign" anyone remember that song? "The sign said long haired freaky people need not apply..." now that's gotta be the sixties! Anyway what a relief to hear human voices in song on a train rather then blank stares(the classic I-pod look) and silence or people talking into mobiles!! I was too shy to join them( next time I will) but imagine if I had and then others too and the whole carriage broke into song. Its not about singing in tune that matters its about connecting to other human beings and sharing culture, life... love even. Imagine what our day would of been like if we sung and laughed together for 5-10 minutes on the train on the way to work. What new thing would of emerged from there and maybe snowballed. A revolution of connection and laughter and more song.
When was the last time you sung a song with someone else? or in the rain or just walking down the street. Many Africans quietly complain that life here is boring(yes its peaceful and they appreciate that) and it is boring!! But it doesn't have to stay that way, does it!
Take care... and did you notice I have one follower of this blog! Wahoo from little things big things grow!

1 comment:

  1. What is it about trains and singing. This reminded me of a long forgotten train journey in London. Three people stoned and sitting on the floor right at the carriage doorway singing and everyone ignoring them ...except I never forgot what they sang as their rhythm corresponded to the rattling of the train. "gotta go go go go go go go ... to fuck on fuck on fuck on fuck on ... so come on come on come on come on ... to fuck on fuck on fuck on fuck on"
    Foxy Loxy
