Have you ever left things to the last moment and then hit a threshold where you realize you now have to pull out all stops to finish whatever it is . Adrenaline or panic or some mixture often kicks in and to you surprise you get more done in a hour or a day then you have in weeks months or years? I think the entire world is fast approaching one of those moments. There is a distinct possibility that mass panic will kick in when we awaken to the fact that we are on the verge of global collapse.I prefer to hold onto the view that when this moment occurs and it will occur then it will be Australia's time to walk onto the world stage and lead the world through this crisis. Before that happens we have some work and preperation to do first.
At the heart of our looming crisis are two factors 1.Our absolute love affair with electricity. Electricity is our God, our unconscious God. We are so in love with this God and its power that we are prepared to destroy the earth. 2. The scientific attitude that seperates living from non-living. This facilitates the rape of vast areas of the earth our mother.
Any revolution that desires to bring about fundamental and radical change has to target these two attitudes, mindsets or worldviews. Not only target as in expose the fundamental lies at work but also offer living alternatives.
Revolutions have had a tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater, creating change whilst and also creating a new set of problems.
The revolution must include a deep appreciation for what and who we find revolting ! Capitalism, Patriachy, war sexism, Mining, etc all have there own internal logic that needs to be understood before it can be effectively challenged. This involves deep listening to the aspirations, hopes and dreams of those we oppose. Easier said then done. I want to begin training people in this form of revolutionary listening . For me whats called essential counselling skills or rogerian listening coupled with Astrological/archetypal awareness is the key. I plan to begin training others in this process.
A experiential encounter with Astrology is one of the best ways to kick start an ongoing intiation to a more expanded worldview. To open oneself to the possibility that the cosmos is patterned and that the position of the planets at our birth has a deep and abiding significance shakes the foundation of the older scientific worldview that clings to a notion of a meaningless universe of which humanity is a mere accident of evolution.
The creation of social electricity as a nalternative to literal electricty. Small communitty based celebrations that include music, mask and mischief. A distinct focus upon experimentaion and inclusion...to be continued.
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