Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Last Thursday night, no it must of been Friday morning (2am) Simon and I took the streets of West end to find a spare shopping trolley to house the amps we use in performance. 2am bare feet, one glove apiece, and masks....its called exuberance. First me, then both of us were harassed by police. It must of looked bizarre and intensely suspicious from there world view. I talked them though what we were doing and it was all good. Later we reflected how two men doing that stuff is highly suspicious and strange but then if its say ten people its read as a bunch of people having fun. Big difference!! I dream of a group of people of all ages who can come together to do crazy, life affirming stuff. To stop the traffic for an hour with music and dance and serious conversations about where our culture is going. To do this in the foyer of mining company or a bank or any other number of destructive institutions. The goal being to temporarily disrupt but not in a destructive way, to raise questions and bring a sharp awareness to all involved. The earth is dying because of our actions. Its deadly serious and we all need to be reminded and start making sacrifices and changes now. Tomorrow is too late. No matter what he change is it has to begin now.

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