Yesterday the fianl piece of my identity puzzle came together for me. Whilst I can be as selfish, lazy and stupid as the next person what I have is the rare ability to be a catalyst for creative change. My dream is to catalyse Australia for creative revolution, alchemical ecological : now! This is what sets me apart from anyone else. This is how I have to market and brand Jeff the catalyst... much as that stuff doesnt interest me its how things get done in the world and I want to get lots done. I worked with resins making surfboards years ago and i know that it only takes a drop of catalyst to set off a chemical reaction in a 50 litre drum of resin! I beleive i have that elusive stuff in me that australia needs. I havent added it to the mix yet and the results will be unpredicatable But i know this is my moment to do it. I feel highly energised and motivated. This has been at least 30 years in the making perhaps all my life. I cant live any other way now and dont want too. I can only go forward.
Ironically I will arrive back in Brisbane after a short trip to West Aust broke and in debt. I have to immediatly find paid work or follow my passion if I can get financial support. Theres no other option now. I am looking at a months work on mines if necessary. I will do whatever is necessary to get through. I would prefer to begin speaking, training, writing now but lets wait and see what emerges. If you can help or know someone who can it has to be concrete and real I dont have time to waste right now. I am more then capable of doing a lot of things , its all inside its just the finances that are my achilles heel.
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