Sunday, November 28, 2010


A coalition of countries is getting together to just take action on climate change. Yes! about time.This is leadership. Just begining something with whoever agress with you. Just begin ! and let it evolve.
Now what really got me was this quote by Michael Grubb member of British government advisory body on Emissions, There has to be some sort of glue to thold the coalition together. Yes I agree totally . To hold together such a diverse range of cultures there has to be something inbetween that connects, joins and facilitates flow in the same direction. This is exactly what Alchemical Carnivale is is in the business of making between diverse groups of people. Social glue. Glutem Mundi, the glue of the world. Mr Grubb like the Western world is inbetween. He knows where change neeeds to occur but he is still vague as to how to do it. He continues... The glue would have to involve some form of cooperation on carbon pricing, trade and financial measures.
This new as yet unknown form of cooperation will be Australias gift to the world. Its whats brewing in the belly of my Carnivale beast.

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