The idea for Alchemical Carnivale really came together over the last 6 months though its been brewing for years perhaps decades. I define it really simply as Mask, myth, movement and music. First it involves people learning the basics of the psychological astrology.Why? I came to astrology kicking and screaming around 5 years ago and it was a complete shock and revelation to find a system of knowledge that I had totally ignored and yet is so beautiful and has the potential to heal so many of the big rifts in the western psyche. And it it is the language of communitty and creativity par excellence.
Out of that exploration I would encourafe people to create what I call a Carny colleague. For me thats the Mysterius Doctor Mercurius. He sort of just emerged for the first time at the West End Carnivale ealier this year. I realised that he was a part of me that I have never e been able to express. All of us have parts like this. By putting on a mask and costume it frees us to be more then we usually are. I am also interested in activities that are trance-forming. Chant and movement are two of these and by using music. This gets us into flow states. Ive been experimenting with this for years but never pulled all of it together with the astrological framework or philosophy. And finally to then go out and perform of party in small public spaces. This has the added effect of pulling the group together and reenchanting the public space. We just dont have a tradiiton of carnivale in australia so I want to create it in a new way. Once the framework fell into place I began to see unlimited possibilities and varieties of the basic model. So far i have yet to apply it. It will be an experiment and I am sure it will metamorphose as it goes and thats the fun part. I am especially targetting creative people, therapists and communnitty workers but really its open to anyone. I have just begun to put the word out so let me know if your interested and get involved.
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